We Light The Path

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Do you believe communities of color should chart the path to their own healthy future? 

Are you in need of strategic, research-backed support to drive true transformational change?

Is your hope for a new horizon so great, you are ready to move towards it...

… even though you don’t know the way? 

If this is you, then you have arrived at the place of deep impact, where the real work begins. 

You are on The Verge.

Where bold leaders with courageous ideas can find knowledge and power to build a more equitable tomorrow, today. 

And it is where you can meet us. 

Verge Impact Partners is a network of innovators, scientists, and strategists improving the practice of community development and public health equity through the lived experiences and leadership of the people most impacted. 
We equip changemakers with the necessary data, insights, and strategies needed to transform their communities into more healthy and just places.  

Our Mission

To power the path of health equity with the lived-experience and expertise of communities of color. 

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Our Core Services


We outline the characteristics of antiracist research and guide its use as a transformational tool, helping communities envision a path towards realizing their most ambitious goals.  

  • Developmental Learning and Real-Time Evaluation
  • Community-Engaged Research for Action (PAR and CBPR)
  • Organizational Assessments and Ethos Studies
  • Fieldscans and Assessment


We conspire with organizations to create the necessary knowledge to advance public health equity and racial justice, by assessing root causes and facilitating inclusive development processes.

  • Equity Impact Statements
  • Frameworks & Models
  • Community Engagement
  • Collective Impact Mobilization


Our development programs are for those who are actively engaging in building collective power and mobilizing collective action. we support leaders at all levels to effectively manage transitions, innovate, and drive impactful change within their organizations and communities.

  • Executive coaching and leadership
  • Coaching for emerging public health leaders
  • Team coaching

We believe all communities can control and determine their own future.

The Team

you can never be too close to an issue

vedette gavin

Principal Consultant
Dylan Cohen
lift up the important questions that stand in the way

Dylan Cohen

Senior Planning Consultant
Paige Emling
change doesn't have to happen slowly

Paige Emling

Program Assistant
César García López
all types of knowledge are valuable and necessary

César García López


Are you on The Verge?

We’ll meet you there. 

We’re here to support bold leaders, organizations, and communities who are taking innovative approaches to build healthy, just, and equitable places. If that’s you, let’s talk!
Homepage Inquiry

How we can help?


(check all that apply)



Community powered data, research, and evaluation can take bold approaches and radical ideas to the next level!



Transformational change is driven by strong strategy.



To advance equity, leaders must lead themselves and others toward  shared visions, goals, and wins.